How Do We Rank the Best Nurse Practitioner Programs in Delaware?

Choosing a nursing program requires more than a glance at the school’s reputation or curriculum. By encompassing a broad spectrum of factors such as tuition costs, student/faculty ratio, programs offered, NCLEX passing rates, 3rd party rankings and accreditation, you can refine your starting point about what program best suits your career aspirations.

This is our comprehensive evaluation approach, which empowers you to make a strategic decision for the nursing program you decide to attend. First, we assemble a list of all accredited nursing schools offering MBA programs in Delaware, and then rank them based on our methodology and the following factors:

  • Program quality and desirability: tuition costs, student/faculty ratio, programs offered, NCLEX passing rates, 3rd party rankings and accreditation CCNE or ACEN accreditation: 50%
  •’s editorial ranking of the nursing school’s reputation: 10%
  • The affordability of the programs offered by the nursing school: 20%
  • The NCLEX passing rate as it reflects on the overall program quality: 20%

Best Nurse Practitioner Programs in Delaware

#1 in Delaware

University of Delaware

School of Nursing

  • Pin1
    104 Hullihen Hall, Newark, DE - 19716
  • Tel1
    (302) 831-2000
  • Programs: Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nursing
  • Award Levels: Accelerated BSN, APRN Certificate, Bachelor, Doctor of Nursing, MSN, Post Master's NP Certificate, RN to BSN, RN to MSN
Nurse Admin: Elizabeth Speakman, EdD, RN, FNAP, ANEF, FAAN
Title: Senior Associate Dean

University Information

  • Faculty Total Faculty: 1263
  • Tuition In-State Undergraduate Tuition: $15,020
  • Book Book and Supplies: $1,000
  • Receiving Aid Percent Received Aid: 89%
  • Scholarship Average Grant or Scholarship: $11,188
  • Admitted Percent Admitted: 66%
  • Enrolled Percent Admitted who Enrolled: 19%
  • Graduation Rate Graduation Rate: 82%

See our Ranking Methodology

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Nurse Practitioner Programs In Delaware

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We identified the top nurse practitioner programs for you through rigorous research. These premier schools have a record of graduating career-ready nurses who positively impact lives. Starting with the program best fit for you puts purposeful, meaningful work within reach. Let us guide your first steps towards a future of healing hope.

Best Nurse Practitioner (NP) Methodology