Salary Report for North Carolina Registered Nurses

  • The number of Registered Nurses currently employed in North Carolina is 104,810.
  • Registered Nurses in North Carolina earn an average of $71,200 per year or $34.23 per hour.
  • The percentage of U.S. Registered Nurses who work in North Carolina is 3%.
  • North Carolina will need 113,920 new Registered Nurses by 2030 or 6,780 new nurses per year.

North Carolina Rankings

  • North Carolina ranks #36 in the U.S. for Registered Nurses salary and #39 when adjusted for cost-of-living.
  • North Carolina ranks #8 in the U.S. for the total number of Registered Nurses employed.
  • North Carolina ranks #8 in U.S. for the number of new Registered Nurses needed by 2030.
  • North Carolina ranks #23 in U.S. for the percentage of new Registered Nurses needed by 2030.

Compare North Carolina to U.S.

North Carolina Registered Nurses earn an average of $71,200 which is 13% less than the national average salary of $82,750.

TypeNorth CarolinaU.S.% Difference
Average Hourly Wage$34.23$39.78-13.95%
Average Annual Salary$71,200$82,750-13.96%
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Salary Range by Education and Experience

In North Carolina, 50% of Registered Nurses earn between $60,550 and $78,670 a year, depending on factors such as level of education, experience, location and place of employment.

About 10% of Registered Nurses earn more than $95,360, a rate generally associated with highly educated and experienced Registered Nurses.

Approximately 10% of Registered Nurses earn under $51,420, a rate generally reserved for less experienced or entry level Registered Nurses.

PercentExperienceEmployedAnnual Salary
10%Less than a Year10,481Under $51,420
15%2 – 4 years15,722$51,420 – $60,550
25%5 – 9 years26,202$60,550 – $72,220
25%10 – 14 years26,202$72,220 – $78,670
15%15 – 20 years15,722$72,220 – $95,360
10%20+ years10,481Above $95,360
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Adjusted for Cost-of-Living

After being adjusted for cost-of-living, Registered Nurses in North Carolina nurses earn about $77,526 per year which is less than the average U.S. nurse of $82,750.

Cost-of-living in North Carolina is 8% less than the national average, which means North Carolina residents have an overall less cost for food, housing, utilities and transportation compared to other states.

  • National average salary for Registered Nurses is $82,750.
  • Average North Carolina Registered Nurses salary is $71,200.
  • Adjusted for cost-of-living, North Carolina Registered Nurses earn an average salary of $77,526.

More cost-of-living reports for U.S. States.

Salary Compared to Related Professions

With an average annual salary of $71,200, North Carolina Registered Nurses tend to earn less than Nurse Anesthetists ($206,450), Nurse Practitioners ($112,730), Nurse Midwives ($102,960), and Nursing Instructors ($74,400).

However, Registered Nurses tend to earn more than Nursing Assistants ($29,410), and LPNs ($49,210).

TitleAnnual Salary
Nurse Anesthetists$206,450
Nurse Practitioners$112,730
Nurse Midwives$102,960
Nursing Instructors $74,400
Registered Nurses$71,200
Nursing Assistants$29,410
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Projected Demand for Nurses in 2030

The U.S. Department of Labor projects that in North Carolina the three professions needing the most new nurses by 2030 are Registered Nurses (113,920), Nursing Assistants (61,600) and LPNs (18,280).

The three professions in North Carolina needing highest percentage new nurses by 2030 are Nurse Practitioners (55.2%), Nursing Instructors (19.2%) and Nurse Midwives (16.7%).

Title20202030ChangeYearly Openings
Registered Nurses102,150113,92011.5%6,780
Nursing Assistants55,62061,60010.8%7,670
Nurse Practitioners5,6708,80055.2%690
Nurse Anesthetists3,3303,85015.6%230
Nursing Instructors 2,2402,67019.2%270
Nurse Midwives18021016.7%10
Source: U.S. Department of Labor, 2022*

Salaries Ranked by North Carolina Cities

The average salary for Registered Nurses in North Carolina is $71,200. The top cities that pay Registered Nurses the most are Fayetteville ($74,650), Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia ($73,260) and Winston-Salem ($73,030).

When adjusted for cost-of-living, the cities that pay Registered Nurses the highest average annual salary are Fayetteville ($83,129), Winston-Salem ($82,038) and Greensboro-High Point ($80,055).

The following table shows the average yearly salary range for Registered Nurses in each city, and the average yearly salary after being adjusted for cost-of-living in that state.

The difference column shows how much more or less purchasing power a Registered Nurses salary will have in that area.

AreaAverage SalaryCOL AdjustedDifference
Durham-Chapel Hill$73,000$77,800$4,800
Greensboro-High Point$72,370$80,055$7,685
Piedmont North Carolina Nonmetropolitan Area$68,010$78,688$10,678
Northeast Coastal North Carolina Nonmetropolitan Area$67,890$78,549$10,659
Rocky Mount$65,750$77,581$11,831
Mountain North Carolina Nonmetropolitan Area$65,340$75,599$10,259
Southeast Coastal North Carolina Nonmetropolitan Area$64,610$74,754$10,144
New Bern$63,660$71,224$7,564
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce – 2022*

Salary FAQ for North Carolina Registered Nurses

North Carolina Registered Nurses earn between $51,420 and $95,360 a year depending on their level of education, experience and skill.

There are currently 104,810 Registered Nurses employed in North Carolina which is about 3% of the U.S. total.

Nurse Anesthetists are the highest paid nurses in North Carolina with an average annual wage of $206,450.

An entry level nurse makes as much as $51,420 a year in North Carolina

The most Registered Nurses work in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia area where 24,630 Registered Nurses are employed.

After being adjusted for cost-of-living, Registered Nurses in North Carolina earn 77,526 per year, while the average across the United States earns $82,750.

By 2030, North Carolina will need 113,920 Registered Nurses. A total of 6,780 Registered Nurses will need to enter into the North Carolina work forces each year.

City and Rural Summaries


Average Registered Nurses Salary: $70,050
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $76,067
Hourly Wage: $33.68
Currently Employed: 5,340
Cost-of-Living Index: 92.09
Asheville Salary Report


Average Registered Nurses Salary: $71,460
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $79,127
Hourly Wage: $34
Currently Employed: 1,000
Cost-of-Living Index: 90.31
Burlington Salary Report


Average Registered Nurses Salary: $73,260
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $77,458
Hourly Wage: $35.22
Currently Employed: 24,630
Cost-of-Living Index: 94.58
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia Salary Report

Durham-Chapel Hill

Average Registered Nurses Salary: $73,000
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $77,800
Hourly Wage: $35
Currently Employed: 15,230
Cost-of-Living Index: 93.83
Durham-Chapel Hill Salary Report


Average Registered Nurses Salary: $74,650
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $83,129
Hourly Wage: $35.89
Currently Employed: 3,010
Cost-of-Living Index: 89.80
Fayetteville Salary Report


Average Registered Nurses Salary: $66,260
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $74,324
Hourly Wage: $32
Currently Employed: 1,080
Cost-of-Living Index: 89.15
Goldsboro Salary Report

Greensboro-High Point

Average Registered Nurses Salary: $72,370
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $80,055
Hourly Wage: $34.79
Currently Employed: 5,720
Cost-of-Living Index: 90.40
Greensboro-High Point Salary Report


Average Registered Nurses Salary: $70,630
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $78,079
Hourly Wage: $34
Currently Employed: 3,310
Cost-of-Living Index: 90.46
Greenville Salary Report


Average Registered Nurses Salary: $64,640
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $73,739
Hourly Wage: $31.08
Currently Employed: 2,970
Cost-of-Living Index: 87.66
Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton Salary Report


Average Registered Nurses Salary: $66,160
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $72,904
Hourly Wage: $32
Currently Employed: 770
Cost-of-Living Index: 90.75
Jacksonville Salary Report

Mountain North Carolina Nonmetropolitan Area

Average Registered Nurses Salary: $65,340
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $75,599
Hourly Wage: $31.41
Currently Employed: 2,190
Cost-of-Living Index: 86.43
Mountain North Carolina Nonmetropolitan Area Salary Report

New Bern

Average Registered Nurses Salary: $63,660
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $71,224
Hourly Wage: $31
Currently Employed: 950
Cost-of-Living Index: 89.38
New Bern Salary Report

Northeast Coastal North Carolina Nonmetropolitan Area

Average Registered Nurses Salary: $67,890
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $78,549
Hourly Wage: $32.64
Currently Employed: 1,670
Cost-of-Living Index: 86.43
Northeast Coastal North Carolina Nonmetropolitan Area Salary Report

Piedmont North Carolina Nonmetropolitan Area

Average Registered Nurses Salary: $68,010
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $78,688
Hourly Wage: $33
Currently Employed: 5,340
Cost-of-Living Index: 86.43
Piedmont North Carolina Nonmetropolitan Area Salary Report


Average Registered Nurses Salary: $72,280
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $75,559
Hourly Wage: $34.75
Currently Employed: 11,230
Cost-of-Living Index: 95.66
Raleigh Salary Report

Rocky Mount

Average Registered Nurses Salary: $65,750
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $77,581
Hourly Wage: $32
Currently Employed: 1,110
Cost-of-Living Index: 84.75
Rocky Mount Salary Report

Southeast Coastal North Carolina Nonmetropolitan Area

Average Registered Nurses Salary: $64,610
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $74,754
Hourly Wage: $31.06
Currently Employed: 4,530
Cost-of-Living Index: 86.43
Southeast Coastal North Carolina Nonmetropolitan Area Salary Report


Average Registered Nurses Salary: $68,440
Adjusted for Cost of Living: $71,695
Hourly Wage: $33
Currently Employed: 3,540
Cost-of-Living Index: 95.46
Wilmington Salary Report


Average Registered Nurses Salary: $73,030
Adjusted for Cost-of-Living: $82,038
Hourly Wage: $35.11
Currently Employed: 9,120
Cost-of-Living Index: 89.02
Winston-Salem Salary Report

Official Data Sources for Registered Nurses: Salary Data | Projected Employment | Cost of Living Data